Sunday, February 24, 2019

How to design a L Band Oscillator with QUCS Studio and Free CAD

The same way that I described in a previous entry how to proceed to design a L band amplifier using as designing tool QUCS Studio, this time I will present a tutorial about designing a L band oscillator using the same environment. 

The most relevant part to make the difference compared to the previous mentioned tutorial is that, this time, non linear analysis are the essential part of the simulations.  

This time, in order to get an accurate analysis of the circuit response, another CAD tool is used to design the layout of the oscillator. This time, is Free CAD. The outcome is really cool. The 3D views of the circuit give to the design almost a professional touch.

The tutorial can be downloaded from here:

Designing a L Band Oscillator using QUCS Studio (Volume I)
Designing a L Band Oscillator using QUCS Studio (Volume II) 

And, as always in this site, if you find something wrong, something that you think could be easily improved, or something that you consider that would be interesting to add, please leave a comment in this entry or send an email to:

How to design a L Band amplifier with QUCS Studio

In this entry, it is presented the detailed process for designing a L Band amplifier using QUCS Studio.
The level of knowledge regarding QUCS Studio necessary to understand what is published in the file linked to this entry is almost none. In any case, if you start reading the file and you detect that you are lost, and you think that the problem is lack of knowledge of QUCS Studio, I recommend you to visit the Gunthard Kraus website and look for the tutorials that he published regarding the use of QUCS Studio.
This tutorials go from the basics of QUCS Studio, to really interesting stuff.
You can find them is this link:

The files are also available in the QUCS Studio website, in the following link:

Tutorials from Gunthard Kraus in the QUCS Studio website

The tutorial can be consulted in the following link:

And, as always in this site, if you find something wrong, something that you think could be easily improved, or something that you consider that would be interesting to add, please leave a comment in this entry or send an email to:

Saturday, February 16, 2019

First time here ... Why another Blog? ... Was it necessary?

This is going to be the "Hello world" entry. I do not know if that is the right thing to do, but ... as far as I know, everybody do something like that. In any case I think It should be a little bit more useful than just that, so, I will take the opportunity to explain why another blog in the world.

The intention of this blog is to try to cooperate with those free software environments to analyze RF circuits that there are available. Some of them, at least, and a little.

What is the meaning of that? There are many people working really hard to offer to designers, beginners, experts and all kind of interested people, software to analyze and design electronic circuits.  They deserve all the credit, and all the support that they can find.

One of these people that are actively working in the same way that I pretend to do in this blog is Gunthard Kraus. Take a while and visit his website and you will see what I want to be when I grow up.

Even more important than sharing, the main idea underneath all of this is learning. There are many people that you can learn from, and, may be, I will be able to find some of them willing to share and even to correct if it is necessary the contents published in this blog.
My humble contribution is to share many years of experience designing RF circuits and other electronics but using as base their software. 

Most of the work that will be shown in this site, have been made using a couple of fantastic tools:

The first one. QUCS Studio. Really cool EDA tool, designed by Michael Margraf and a team that you should know.
The best way to learn about the project is to visit his web site and to download the latest version of QUCS Studio.

The next one will be QUCS ... Yes QUCS ... Does it ring a bell? The story of why QUCS Studio and QUCS is complicated and it can be found if you look for it.
Sure it is better if you forget about sad tales and focus in using both programs and learning all you can from them.
QUCS, and a lot of information regarding the software and the people developing it, can be found here:

Some other software, very interesting and well known indeed, that will be mentioned and used frequently will be:


So, let's get start ..