Wednesday, November 13, 2019

An improvement in the DCDC Model for QUCS Studio

In the previous DCDC spice model published in this site there were included two different aproximations that were rather inaccurate and could provoke convergence problems in transient analysis. After testing the first design, many of the failures in the transient analysis were resolved changing the independent voltage sources included in the model.

In this new model these inacurracies that are the existence of these independent voltage source have been resolved and the convergence problems explained before have been reduced significantly.

Until the number of tests are enough to declare the model free of convergence issues, this new approximation to the solution is definetly an improvement because It is better in terms of stability and it is more robust regarding the convergence problems.
To test the model, the previous test file can be used directly, replacing in the project folder the old model file for the new one.

Visit the "SPICE and Models" page and you will find the link for downloading the new DCDC model.

Note: It is still pending to include the characterization of several dynamic performances like the rise and the fall time, and some other parameters like the voltage levels in the output & input pinnes in all the situations. It is foreseen to include these parameters in the next issue of the model.

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